I have been privileged in my life to have been blessed by many wonderful individuals. Two particular people touched my life in such a way that I hold them in my heart with same respect and love that I have for my own parents. As I reflect on my time with them, I feel a need to share what an impact they had on my life.
Jerry & Juanita Daniel impacted my life profoundly -collectively and individually. When I moved to MVNC's campus in August 1998, they appointed themselves as my surrogate parents. Jerry is my mom's older brother. I grew up visiting them on holidays. Mom and Jerry made an effort all through the years to keep their families close after their parents died. After all, they had been through so much together, losing a sister, brother & both parents.
When I made the decision to attend MVNC, Jerry & Juanita were a small factor in my decision. I had fallen in love with Mt. Vernon when my cousins graduated from there in the late 80s. I wanted far away from home (that's another story in itself & it had nothing to do with my parents), & I loved the Christian college atmosphere. I also liked the idea of having family members close by. Juanita had recently retired from college & knew the ins & outs. That alone was a comfort for my parents.
From day 1, they were in cahoots with Mom & Dad. They checked on me every time they came into town. They talked with Mom & Dad often to update them on how I was doing - was I eating? Did I look ok? How was I adjusting? etc, etc.
If Juanita was working, she took me to lunch. They drove in every Friday to pick me up for the weekend. I couldn't have survived without them. They loved me & spoiled me as if I was their own. From giving me a room in their house, to stocking up on my favorite pop & snacks - (Conn's potato chips, velvet ice cream, & Neff's brownies were always among the choices) for the weekend. They always delivered me back to campus on Sunday evening armed with food, snacks, & anything else they thought I might need throughout the week.
My first few months in Mt Vernon, Juanita "church-hopped" with me until we found a tiny little church in which we both fell in love. And so we fell into a cozy family routine: I'd come out on Friday evenings and be greeted with a delicious home cooked meal complete with brownies Jerry had purchased for me at Neff's, a local grocery store. They would eagerly listen to all that had went on with my week; we'd watch tv and relax.
Every Saturday I'd sleep in, and every Saturday, Jerry would give me grief that opportunity had coming knocking for me at 8am, but he'd had to send them away because I was sleeping my life away :) Juanita and I would always find something to do, shopping, taking walks around their farm, taking drives for ice cream, something. We'd have another smorgasbord meal on Saturday evening and then play a game of scrabble before watching the Gaither gospel hour. On Sunday's Juanita & I would go to church, come home to another great meal, and then she'd go to sleep in her chair while Jerry & I watched westerns and talked about family and community members from "down home". He'd tell me stories him, Joan, David, & mom - stories about m grandparents and his schoolmates. When he would get tired and go lay down, Juanita would usually rally about then, and we would talk about everything from books to her past and my future, to church, and family. We'd often watch home movies from their vacations or family reunions.
During that time, Juanita was my dearest friend and confidant. She did her very best to be my friend and stand in as my mother during that time. They even made me a part of Juanita's family - if they had to do something with her side of the family, they always took me along. Jerry used to tease Juanita and tell her to be sure and introduce me a HIS niece, not hers :)
If I was arguing with my parents, Juanita would listen, comfort, & offer her motherly perspective without criticizing me. If I wasn't feeling well, she came to campus to dr me. One particular time, I had a stomach virus during an awful snowstorm. They couldn't get to campus to take care of me, so Juanita called the school nurse, Nurse Tempe, to bring crackers & 7up to my apartment on campus.
When I fell down my apartment steps & severely sprained my ankle, they drove in to get me & take me home with them. When I couldn't manage my crutches very well, Jerry hoisted me up & carried me to the car claiming he didn't want me to embarrass him fumbling around like that. When the medicine i was given for pain made me sick, they took care of me in every possible way.
My parents rested slightly easier knowing Jerry & Juanita were there for me. because Jerry and Juanita were there, my parents were able to visit me at school. Jerry & Juanita always opened their home and looked forward to my parents' visits as much as I did.
Jerry acted tough and sometimes teased unmercifully, but he was truly a teddy bear. He loved me & I adored him. We didn't say it, because that's just not what we do in the Daniel family, but it was understood. When my car broke down, I called Uncle Jerry; when I locked myself out of my car, I called Uncle Jerry. He'd come into town just to get my old car & take it for tune ups and oil changes. He'd frequently check my windshield wipers, fluids, & brakes. When he had to spend a few days in the hospital, I'd go everyday after class just to sit with him. We had some of our best talks & visit in that short hospital stay. Jerry enouraged me in everything I did. He challenged me to be better than who I was. I loved Jerry every bit as much as I loved my own dad.
In reality, I could write pages and pages of the wonderful memories I shared in those 4 years. When I graduated from college, Jerry & Juanita were every bit as proud of me as my parents were. One of my most treasured possesions is the picture of Jerry, Juanita, & me at my graduation party. The week after I graduated, they moved back home, next door to my mom and dad. They were always eager to hear the tales from my first year of teaching. When Jerry passed away, he was planning a big trip for all of us for my first fall break.
In the time that Juanita stayed in Ohio furnace after Jerry passed away, we continued to spend a lot of time together. We shopped, ate, traveled, and talked often.
Now Jerry is gone. As i write this, I am laying on a cot in my precious Aunt Juanita's room at the nursing home as she is nearing the end of her earthly journey. I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend some last moments alone with her just like we used to do. Juanita will soon cross over into Glory and reunited with her loved ones that have gone on. I rejoice for her because her suffering is coming to a close, but my heart is aching because I miss them. It makes me sad to know that my husband and children will never know these two people that I hold so dearly to my heart.
My four years at MVNC were life changing on many levels. Jerry & Juanita Daniel rank high on the list of Mt Vernon highlights for me. I was given an incredible opportunity to form a special bond with my sweet aunt & uncle that is priceless. They were more than an aunt & uncle - they were friends, parents, & cheerleaders. For that, I am grateful.
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